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AXIS sets benchmark in sim training with three-in-one AX-D Flex
Designed to reduce downtime and maximise efficiency, AX-D Flex allows training providers to minimise costs and provide greater flexibility with a front-loading roll-on/roll-off multi aircraft solution.
AX-D Flex can be used for a variety of aircraft types, ranging from business jets to mid-size airliners.

AXIS Flight Simulation has unveiled its latest flight training solution, AX-D Flex, the first front-loading roll-on/roll-off solution that enables pilots to train on multiple aircraft configurations within one mothership.

Providing new levels of efficiency and cost-effectiveness to training providers, the mothership serves as the basic simulator structure, housing core motion and visual display components. The 'swap unit' comprises a cockpit module and spacer frame that includes computers and technical devices. Swap units can be seamlessly lifted and pulled out of the mothership using the unique front loading-system, allowing pilots to train in up to three different cockpits within a single device and enabling larger cockpits to be swapped with ease.

AX-D Flex accurately replicates cockpits by using OEM-quality simulated aircraft parts. With software-based avionics simulation and commercial off the shelf components, it provides exceptional reliability and low maintenance costs throughout its lifecycle.

Christian Theuermann, member of the executive board, says: "Training providers are typically required to install specific simulators for different aircraft types. The launch of AX-D Flex will redefine the landscape of flight simulation, offering a cost-effective solution that allows pilots to train a variety of different aircraft types. With a smooth and efficient cockpit exchange, we're setting a worldwide benchmark in training efficiency and flexibility."

Helmut Haslberger, director of hardware development and production management, adds: "Our hardware team has extensive experience in designing components that exceed industry standards. Through our precision control and electrical systems, we've designed a seamless lifting mechanism to allow smooth transitions between cockpits."

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