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LABACE becomes latest event to suffer postponement
Given the pandemic and its virulence in Latin America, it will come as little surprise to most that ABAG has decided to move LABACE to next year, disappointing though it is for exhibitors that were looking forward to it.

ABAG, the Brazilian Association of General Aviation, has announced the cancellation of LABACE 2020 to its associates and exhibitors.

“We are very sorry to have to call off this year's fair, but due to the global pandemic situation, our board of directors and the exhibitors have decided that this would be the best course of action. We tried to postpone the decision for as long as possible, even assessing the possibility of putting the event off or holding a smaller one, but we got to the conclusion that neither of the alternatives were feasible,” says ABAG CEO Flavio Pires.

The event was due to take place in the second week of August 2020, in São Paulo. ABAG has now rescheduled the next LABACE for August 2021.

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