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Imetame debuts ATR 72-600 for shuttle work in Brazil
Experienced operator Imetame will be the first to fly the ATR 72-600 for corporate shuttle missions, and expects to reduce its ecological footprint.
The ATR 72-600 has never been operated as a corporate shuttle before.

Brazil's Imetame Group has taken delivery of an ATR 72-600 from Aelis Group. It is thought to be the first of its kind to be operated as a corporate shuttle.

“We are happy to upgrade our fleet with an ATR 72-600 series, the outstanding leading aircraft in the 70 seat segment and take advantage of the latest technological innovations to improve our services and reduce our ecological footprint. Thank you Aelis for the high level of support you provided to make this acquisition a success,” comments Gilson Pereira, MD of Imetame Group.

“We are proud to serve our client from origination to closing and delivery of the aircraft,” adds Aelis CEO Philippe Lienard. “Our main activity focus, the regional turboprop aviation market, is very active in 2019 and our team is fully operational to serve the industry whenever and wherever needed. We congratulate Imetame on its excellent choice and wish the Imetame Group plenty of enjoyable and profitable flights.”